Flex Duct Connector

•İt is specifically designed for heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning systems and for povvder

transfer system

•They are used to connect mechanical equipments and rigid air ducts ortwo rigid air ducts, providing dampening against vibration and absorbing lateral movements.

•Oscillationmayoccurdueforvvard and/orbackwardswallowing movements.

•Easy and quick assembly opportunity

•Galvanized Steel sheet + reinforced tarpaulins + galvanized production with a special system of interlocking Steel sheet material.

•DifferentapplicationsforPVC, Neoprene, Hypalon, Silicone, orödifferenttypes of production using Canvas Brenda.

•Galvanizing the interlocking of steel and reinforced canvas “Double Lock” clamp (double seam) system.


•Corner, oval, round ete. ali kinds of junetion assembly is easy and practical.

•Lovvlaborcosts •Lovvoperatingcosts •EaseofStorage •Easeoftransport •Nomaintenancerequired.

Teknik Çizim

Teknik Bilgi